Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About TriviaMatic!*

*but were afraid to ask

Step 1 - Download

Download TriviaMatic
from your preferred app store:

Step 2 - Log in, or
“Play as Guest”

A) Open the app

B) Choose either to
“Sign in as Guest (Play Now)”
“Sign up as a Player”

— As a Guest, just click “Play Now”

— A Player Account saves your scores.
If you choose a Player account:

1) Create a Username.
2) Enter your email address
(We will never use this for anything
other than account recovery

3) Create a Password
4) Confirm Password

Step 3 Join a game

Click the
“ Play Now” icon


Enter the 6 digit Event Code for the game
(should be posted near host station)

Click “Join”

Step 4 Create a team

Click “+ Create Team” button

Choose Team Name & optional photo
(Note: these will be publicly viewable)

Add player count to your team
and click “Save” button

Please note:

Make sure to keep 1
Player on your team at all times.

If you “Leave Team” and no one is
left to approve you, you will need
to create a new team.

As friends join on their own devices (phones and pads only),
they apply to “Join” your team.


Captain accepts!

Step 5 - Follow the Host’s lead, and have fun!

When you reach this screen, it’s time to get this party started!